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Today, SBCH member Lee shares a useful and easy way to shrink that scrap-pile of patterned paper! This is a wonderfully easy way to scrap green!!

Go, go, go… get scrappin’ green!!!! And, [ahem] **wink** remember that shrinking your scrap-pile makes room for NEW PAPER, and that means shopping… The SBCH store carries a fabulous assortment of everything you need!!

Happy Friday everyone! :o)


By Lee Brehon

“RECYCLE REDUCE REUSE…” Three very important words! And, as a scrapbooker, I am reminded daily that I must do my best to use up as much of my product as possible. So… I think you will enjoy this next project, especially if you want to get rid of that pile of scraps once and for all!

So here it is…

Like all scrapbookers we end up with little tail ends of paper that just won’t work anywhere at all!!Well, I’ve come up with a fun way to make almost every last piece of scrap-paper work in our favour!

First combine an assortment of paper scraps based on color.

(Photo 1) Photobucket

Then carefully cut out the flowers or doohickies.

(Photo 2) Photobucket

Place your cut out images onto a piece of background paper. (Note: patterned paper looks best for this project.)
Then mod-podge the doohickies to your background paper. I used several coats, just to make sure the heavy paper was glued down well.

LET DRY!!!!!

(Photo 3): Photobucket

Now take a large outline letter stamp or image and stamp it onto your mod-podged paper.

(Photo 4): Photobucket

(Photo 5): Photobucket

Cut the image out.

(Photo 6): Photobucket

You now have a totally unique embellishment that you can use anywhere! Heres an example of what I did with mine:

(Photo 7): Photobucket

What I really enjoy about this project is seeing all the different combinations of colors and patterns when it is finished. I think you will really have some fun with this one.

Thanks for letting me share!

Comments on: "Scrappin’ Green~ Tips for Eco-Friendly Memory Keeping: 17th Edition" (7)

  1. It’s like a new piece of paper! Fantastic idea!

  2. Awesome Lee. This is SUCH a good idea! TY for the tutorial!

  3. GREAT idea!!! I love the card… i need to buy giant letter stamps! LOL

  4. What a clever idea! Great article Lee!!

  5. I love it Lee!!! Great idea….

  6. Wow…I never thought of that but I have a huge stash of bits of paper…now I know what to do with them!

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