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Shoppin’ Green: Croppin’ Green!!!!
By Ali MacDonald

Have you ever considered what a “green” choice you make when you do your scrapbook supply shopping online at Scrapbooker’s Club House…?

Here are a few things to think about!
1. Cleaner and Greener! No gas and car emissions when you shop online
2. No plastic bags needed to tote your purchases home in (they pollute terribly)
SBCH has inventory of paper by several companies who carry beautiful “green” paper collections. Some of these companies are: Piggy Tales, Paper Trunk, etc…
3. At SBCH, you have the opportunity to order gift certificates or gifts online. Just ask Nicole (our store owner) how easy this can be! And “Bingo!!” There is no car travel needed to buy a special scrappy gift for someone.
4. If you shop online, there is no “brick and mortar” store. THIS ENTAILS MANY GREEN ADVANTAGES! Let’s look at a few of them:
* Less overall strain on the environment (no paved parking lot, no garbage unit disposal, less accumulation of waste paper related to receipts/cash register, etc…)
* Less use of electricity for lighting
* Significantly less energy usage for heating
* No need for the harsh cleaning chemicals that a busy retail store would require
5. Are you a person who likes to browse or compare prices?? When you check inventories and prices at your favourite online store(s), no car is needed. Browse & compare to you heart’s content without paying for gas or contributing to “smog!”
6. Online at SBCH you can read product reviews from actual customers. This means that you can be assured of purchasing what you WANT and will be pleased. No more car trip(s) to the brick and mortar scrapbook store to return unsatisfactory items!

Shopping online means comfort… what could beat shoppin’ and croppin’ in your jammies? You’ve beat the traffic and have not wasted your time travelling to a certain shopping destination… and you’ve avoided contributing to the pollution situation that we are now fighting in order to protect our earth, saving it for those who will come later.

If we scrapbook to save precious memories, let’s try to be as green as we possibly can… because the people who come after us need a clean, green place to relax and look in wonder at the details created within the scrapbooks handed down from those who came before.

Shop online, shop green and get right down to the business and joy of saving those precious memories for those who will come after us. Let’s leave them leafy trees, green grass, clean water and fresh air.

Shoppin’ green means croppin’ green. :o)

Comments on: "Scrappin Green: Tips for Eco-Friendly Memory Keeping~ 13th Edition" (5)

  1. Super article Ali!

  2. Nicole Drewniak said:

    Two thumbs up!!!

  3. Thanks Gals, you’re dolls. I **LOVE** writing for SBCH!

  4. What a great article! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Thank you Trina. :O) and… You’re welcome!

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